Improve Your UI Design Skills with ‘The UI Game’

There are many ways to improve and test our UI design skills. Besides reading books or learning from experienced seniors, you can learn while playing to make the learning process less boring. There are websites that can help us test our design skills through web-based gamification, making learning more enjoyable. One of these websites is The UI Game.

What is “The UI Game”?

The UI Game is a web-based gamification platform that presents questions comparing two UI design mockups. It is highly recommended for those who wants to evaluate their UI Design skills and serves as an excellent learning resource. If a question is answered incorrectly, the game provides an explanation of the correct answer. Access the game via this page:

How to Play?

  • Before starting the game, you need to type in your name and a link to your social profile. Once you’ve entered these, you can’t change them later. If you do well in the game, your name will show up on the leaderboard.
  • When the game begins, you’ll see two different UI mockup designs on the screen. You just have to pick the better one. If you pick the right option, your score goes up.
  • If you choose the wrong option, the game ends, and you have to start again. You’ve got 10 seconds to pick for each question. If you take longer, the game also ends.
  •  After you choose an option, a message pops up to tell you if your choice were right or wrong. It also explains why your answer is wrong and give comparison between both option. Additionally, if you close or refresh the game while playing, you lose all your progress.
  • Whoever has the highest score gets a place on the leaderboard.

This game can be entertainment during a tiring and dull midday. Moreover, you can also learn while playing, enhancing your UI design skills. Give it a try and aim for the highest score to see your name on the leaderboard!